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By now, you should have created two separate lists, one with cause areas + organizations in the  “Cause areas & organizations” tab, and one with potential roles in the “Roles” tab. Now, we will turn these into opportunities. Opportunities are basically a pair of one organization and one role. 

There are different ways you can approach creating opportunities. We recommend reading the two suggested processes, and following what you find more suitable (which can also be doing both). 

This stage might feel a bit tedious, but is very necessary for coming up with interesting opportunities . So take a deep breath, and keep an open mind. 

  • An intuitive process: take some time to “stare” at the two lists, think about the things you find exciting, and that could maybe go well together, creating viable options. Add those options to the “Summarize” tab.

  • A thorough process - “simple multiplication”: create a pair for each possible combination of organization and role, and remove those that don’t really make sense. For example, organizations A and B, and roles X and Y, create the following opportunities: “X at A”, “X at B”, “Y at A”, and “Y at B”. If you have many organizations, or many roles, you can consider only doing this for those with the highest total score. 

Decide how you want to create opportunities, and start writing them down. For each combination of organization and role, copy columns c-f from each tab into the suitable cells in the “Summarize” tab


  • Remain flexible. For example, it’s possible you created some role ideas, but none of them really go along with the organization “start my own project to raise awareness to something”. Think this through, and create new roles if you need. 

  • It’s possible you won’t intuitively know what makes sense and what doesn’t (maybe this organization already has plenty of lawyers?), which is why we recommend keeping a variety of options you find exciting. 

  • Don’t worry too much about evaluating the combinations - we’ll do that next!

At the end of this stage, you should have a list with some potential opportunities in the “Summarize” tab.

From now on, remember to always keep an open mind for finding new opportunities or ruling out existing ones. 

List and conclude: Text
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